*Project Information
Title : "Mighty Baby" food vessel for baby, in KIDP+LUNAR DESIGN workshop08
Client : LUNAR DESIGN in SanFrancisco
Launch : August, 2008
"Are most of the babies likely to take nicely or eat gently when moms are trying to feed them?
Babies do not eat better than we expect, which makes mom feel stressful and continues worrying. Then, mom's goal leads to the basic and pretty mind where she only hopes her baby to eat well. Eventually she is likely to forget about the fundanmental reason why she needs to feed her baby. And of course, it is really important find a way for baby to eat well. For baby, eating could be of really boring times, because babies always want to play around. We belived that it is the solution to the problem that we provide a playful eating time for baby, and meantime, we convince mom to recognize that her baby is eating and growing well because of the playful eating time. According to Conservation of Mass and Energy in science, food placed on a dish change its auality and becomes different mass after undergoing the energy conversion. But, because the mass conversion is not visible instantly, we began to study the response which can be visually appeared during the eating times, even after the mass is not visible inside the baby's body. Force is the factor which is easily connected with weight, and force is also the visual factor which has the closest connection to baby's growth and health. Considering the principle above, we designed the product that adapts the principle of spring-aided scales which rises up to origin point as the weight of food applied on the dish decreases, and the lower portion of the dish is the tiny characterized baby figure which visually lifts up the weight on the dish. Due to the action the product creats, baby can enjoy the visual changes of both the rising dish and the tiny characterized baby figure, and mom can symbolically recognize that her baby has gained as more force(power) as the tiny baby figure which lifts up the dish in no time, only after eating on the dish of this product.
This product will provide both mom and baby with a happy meal time, when there are various story-telling, together with the two new experiences for mom and baby.